Establishing a connection

The first thing you will have to do is to connect to a D-Bus bus or to a D-Bus peer. This is the entry point of the zbus API.

Connection to the bus

To connect to the session bus (the per-user bus), simply call Connection::session(). It returns an instance of the connection (if all went well). Similarly, to connect to the system bus (to communicate with services such as NetworkManager, BlueZ or PID1), use Connection::system().

Moreover, it can be converted to a MessageStream that implements futures::stream::Stream, which can be used to conveniently receive messages, for the times when low-level API is more appropriate for your use case.

Note: it is common for a D-Bus library to provide a “shared” connection to a bus for a process: all session() share the same underlying connection for example. At the time of this writing, zbus doesn’t do that.

Note: on macOS, there is no standard implicit way to connect to a session bus. zbus provides opt-in compatibility to the Launchd session bus discovery mechanism via the launchctl getenv feature. The official dbus installation method via Homebrew provides a session bus installation, utilizing macOS LaunchAgents feature. By default, zbus consumes an address for a bus connection that is provided via launchctl getenv DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET command output.

Using a custom bus address

You may also specify a custom bus with connection::Builder::address which takes a D-Bus address as specified in the specification.

Peer to peer connection

Peer-to-peer connections are bus-less1, and the initial handshake protocol is a bit different. There is the notion of client & server endpoints, but that distinction doesn’t matter once the connection is established (both ends are equal, and can send any messages).

For example to create a bus-less peer-to-peer connection on Unix, you can do:

async fn main() -> zbus::Result<()> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
use tokio::net::UnixStream;
use zbus::{connection::Builder, Guid};

let guid = Guid::generate();
let (p0, p1) = UnixStream::pair().unwrap();
let (client_conn, server_conn) = futures_util::try_join!(
    // Client
    // Server


Note: the p2p and server methods of connection::Builder are only available when p2p cargo feature of zbus is enabled.


Unless you implemented them, none of the bus methods will exist.