Writing a service interface

In this chapter, we are going to implement a service with a method “SayHello”, to greet back the calling client.

We will first discuss the need to associate a service name with the service. Then we are going to manually handle incoming messages using the low-level API. Finally, we will present the ObjectServer higher-level API and some of its more advanced concepts.

Taking a service name

As we know from the chapter on D-Bus concepts, each connection on the bus is given a unique name (such as “:1.27”). This could be all you need, depending on your use case, and the design of your D-Bus API. However, typically services use a service name (aka well-known name) so peers (clients, in this context) can easily discover them.

In this example, that is exactly what we’re going to do and request the bus for the service name of our choice:

use zbus::{Connection, Result};

// Although we use `tokio` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let connection = Connection::session()

    loop {}

We can check our service is running and is associated with the service name:

$ busctl --user list | grep zbus
org.zbus.MyGreeter                             412452 service           elmarco :1.396        user@1000.service -       -

🖐 Hang on

This example is not handling incoming messages yet. Any attempt to call the service will time out (including the shell completion!).

Handling low-level messages

At the low-level, you can handle method calls by checking the incoming messages manually.

Let’s write a SayHello method, that takes a string as argument, and reply with a “hello” greeting by replacing the loop above with this code:

use futures_util::stream::TryStreamExt;

// Although we use `tokio` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> zbus::Result<()> {
   let connection = zbus::Connection::session()
let mut stream = zbus::MessageStream::from(&connection);

while let Some(msg) = stream.try_next().await? {
    let msg_header = msg.header();

    match msg_header.message_type() {
        zbus::message::Type::MethodCall => {
            // real code would check msg_header path(), interface() and member()
            // handle invalid calls, introspection, errors etc
            let header = msg.header();
            let body = msg.body();
            let arg: &str = body.deserialize()?;
            connection.reply(&header, &(format!("Hello {}!", arg))).await?;

        _ => continue,


And check if it works as expected:

$ busctl --user call org.zbus.MyGreeter /org/zbus/MyGreeter org.zbus.MyGreeter1 SayHello s "zbus"
s "Hello zbus!"

This is the crust of low-level message handling. It should give you all the flexibility you ever need, but it is also easy to get it wrong. Fortunately, zbus has a simpler solution to offer.

Using the ObjectServer

One can write an impl block with a set of methods and let the interface procedural macro write the D-Bus message handling details. It will dispatch the incoming method calls to their respective handlers, as well as replying to introspection requests.

MyGreeter simple example

Let see how to use it for MyGreeter interface:

use zbus::{Connection, interface, Result};

struct Greeter;

#[interface(name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1")]
impl Greeter {
    async fn say_hello(&self, name: &str) -> String {
        format!("Hello {}!", name)

// Although we use `tokio` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let connection = Connection::session().await?;
    // setup the object server
        .at("/org/zbus/MyGreeter", Greeter)
    // before requesting the name

    loop {
        // do something else, wait forever or timeout here:
        // handling D-Bus messages is done in the background

⚠ Service activation pitfalls

A possible footgun here is that you must request the service name after you setup the handlers, otherwise incoming messages may be lost. Activated services may receive calls (or messages) right after taking their name. This is why it’s typically better to make use of connection::Builder for setting up your interfaces and requesting names, and not have to care about this:

use zbus::{connection, interface, Result};

struct Greeter;

#[interface(name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1")]
impl Greeter {
    async fn say_hello(&self, name: &str) -> String {
        format!("Hello {}!", name)

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let _connection = connection::Builder::session()?
        .serve_at("/org/zbus/MyGreeter", Greeter)?
    loop {
        // do something else, wait forever or timeout here:
        // handling D-Bus messages is done in the background

It should work with the same busctl command used previously.

This time, we can also introspect the service:

$ busctl --user introspect org.zbus.MyGreeter /org/zbus/MyGreeter
NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE FLAGS
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -         -             -
.Introspect                         method    -         s             -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer           interface -         -             -
.GetMachineId                       method    -         s             -
.Ping                               method    -         -             -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -         -             -
.Get                                method    ss        v             -
.GetAll                             method    s         a{sv}         -
.Set                                method    ssv       -             -
.PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as  -             -
org.zbus.MyGreeter1                 interface -         -             -
.SayHello                           method    s         s             -

A more complete example

ObjectServer supports various method attributes to declare properties or signals.

This is a more complete example, demonstrating some of its usages. It also shows a way to synchronize with the interface handlers from outside, thanks to the event_listener crate (this is just one of the many ways).

use zbus::{object_server::SignalEmitter, connection::Builder, interface, fdo, Result};

use event_listener::{Event, Listener};

struct Greeter {
    name: String,
    done: Event,

#[interface(name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1")]
impl Greeter {
    async fn say_hello(&self, name: &str) -> String {
        format!("Hello {}!", name)

    // Rude!
    async fn go_away(
        emitter: SignalEmitter<'_>,
    ) -> fdo::Result<()> {


    /// A "GreeterName" property.
    async fn greeter_name(&self) -> &str {

    /// A setter for the "GreeterName" property.
    /// Additionally, a `greeter_name_changed` method has been generated for you if you need to
    /// notify listeners that "GreeterName" was updated. It will be automatically called when
    /// using this setter.
    async fn set_greeter_name(&mut self, name: String) {
        self.name = name;

    /// A signal; the implementation is provided by the macro.
    async fn greeted_everyone(emitter: &SignalEmitter<'_>) -> Result<()>;

// Although we use `tokio` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let greeter = Greeter {
        name: "GreeterName".to_string(),
        done: event_listener::Event::new(),
    let done_listener = greeter.done.listen();
    let connection = Builder::session()?
        .serve_at("/org/zbus/MyGreeter", greeter)?


    // Let's emit the signal again, just for the fun of it.


This is the introspection result:

$ busctl --user introspect org.zbus.MyGreeter /org/zbus/MyGreeter
NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE FLAGS
org.zbus.MyGreeter1                 interface -         -             -
.GoAway                             method    -         -             -
.SayHello                           method    s         s             -
.GreeterName                        property  s         "GreeterName" emits-change writable
.GreetedEveryone                    signal    -         -             -

Trait-bounds for property values

If you use custom types for property values, you might get a compile error for missing TryFrom<zvariant::Value<'_>> and/or TryFrom<OwnedValue> implementations. This is because properties are always sent as Variants on the bus, so you need to implement these conversions for your custom types.

Not to worry though, the zvariant crate provides a Value and OwnedValue derive macro to implement these conversions for you.

Method errors

There are two possibilities for the return value of interface methods. The first is for infallible method calls, where the return type is a directly serializable value, like the String in say_hello() above.

The second is a result return value, where the Ok variant is the serializable value, and the error is any type that implements zbus::DBusError. The zbus::fdo::Error type implements this trait, and should cover most common use cases. However, when a custom error type needs to be emitted from the method as an error reply, it can be created using derive(zbus::DBusError), and used in the returned Result<T, E>.

Property methods may also return errors, but they must be zbus::fdo::Error. Most often you’ll want to use zbus::fdo::Error::UnknownProperty variant.

Sending signals

As you might have noticed in the previous example, the signal methods don’t take a &self argument but a SignalEmitter reference. While this allows to emit signals whether from inside or outside of the interface methods’ context, it does make it a bit inconvenient to use. To make things easier interface generates a trait, GreeterSignals that provides the same signal methods but without the SignalEmitter argument. The macro provides two implementations of this trait for:

  • zbus::object_server::InterfaceRef<Greeter>
  • zbus::object_server::SignalEmitter

The former is useful for emitting signals from outside the context of an interface method and the latter is useful for emitting signals from inside of it. To make it possible to emit signals from inside of an interface method, methods can ask to receive a SignalEmitter passed to them using the special zbus(signal_emitter) attribute.

Please refer to interface documentation for more examples and list of other special attributes you can make use of.

We saw examples of signal emission in action, from both inside and outside an interface method, in the previous example.

Notifying property changes

For each property declared through the interface macro, a <property_name>_changed method is generated that emits the necessary property change signal. Here is how to use it with the previous example code:

use zbus::interface;

struct Greeter {
    name: String

#[interface(name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1")]
impl Greeter {
    async fn greeter_name(&self) -> &str {

    async fn set_greeter_name(&mut self, name: String) {
        self.name = name;

async fn main() -> zbus::Result<()> {
let connection = zbus::Connection::session().await?;
let object_server = connection.object_server();

let iface_ref = object_server.interface::<_, Greeter>("/org/zbus/MyGreeter").await?;
let mut iface = iface_ref.get_mut().await;
iface.name = String::from("👋");

Proxy generation

interface macro can also generate the client-side proxy code for you. It utilizes the proxy macro behind the scenes to achieve this. Here is how to use it:

use zbus::interface;

struct Greeter {
    name: String

    name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter.WithProxy",
    // Specifying the `proxy` attribute instructs `interface` to generate the
    // client-side proxy. You can specify proxy-specific attributes
    // (e.g `gen_blocking) here. All the attributes that are common between
    // `proxy` and `interface` macros (e.g `name`) are automtically forwarded to
    // the `proxy` macro.
        gen_blocking = false,
        default_path = "/org/zbus/MyGreeter/WithProxy",
        default_service = "org.zbus.MyGreeter.WithProxy",
impl Greeter {
    async fn greeter_name(&self) -> String {

    async fn whatever(&self) {

async fn main() -> zbus::Result<()> {

let greeter = Greeter { name: "GreeterName".to_string() };
let connection = zbus::connection::Builder::session()?
        .serve_at("/org/zbus/MyGreeter/WithProxy", greeter)?
let proxy = GreeterProxy::new(&connection).await?;
assert_eq!(proxy.greeter_name().await?, "GreeterName");


Known Limitations

While it’s extremely useful to be able to generate the client-side proxy code directly from interface as it allows you to avoid duplicating code, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • The trait bounds of the proxy macro methods’ arguments and return value, now also apply to the interface methods. For example, when only generating the service-side code, the method return values need to implement serde::Serialize but when generating the client-side proxy code, the method return values need to implement serde::DeserializeOwned as well.
  • Reference types in return values of interface methods won’t work. As you may have noticed, unlike the previous examples the greeter_name method in the example above returns a String instead of a &str. This is because the methods in the proxy macro do not support reference type to be returned from its methods.
  • Methods returning [object_server::ResponseDispatchNotifier] wrapper type will do the same for proxy as well.